Word Count!
Word counts for my current WIPs...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
This is essentially an archive. To read more about me, my word counts, and my books, click here.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Working on another shorter piece at the moment, a "Meet the Parents" starring Nathaniel. It's fun so far, but I'm having far too much fun torturing him.
Currently, it's about 3k.
Saturday, June 14, 2003
I know I haven't updated here in a looong time, but I wanted to mention that I wrote a short story between last night and tonight. It's a Beth-Hill short story, set right after the Hunt's binding by the Council. I have to add a scene to it before it's officially finished, but I'm so excited I actually wrote a short story! Whoeee. :)
Monday, April 21, 2003
And I'm still working on Trapped. Nothing much else to report, really.
Thursday, April 03, 2003
For some odd reason, Trapped in the Spiritworld with an Internet Connection has been clamoring for my attention, so I've decided to either finish it or write until I hit another wall with it before I start the April challenge. This was not what I picked out of the Idea Jar, btw. My next WIP to go with Full Moon is So You Want to be a Vampire, which is that oldie but goodie that has been written and not finished at least six or seven times. (If not more.)
I'm going to try to patch together a finished product out of all the stops and starts. We'll see if I succeed.
Monday, March 31, 2003
The Dead Who Do Not Sleep is finished, with an ending wordcount of 27,900 words. I just couldn't squeak in those last 100 words. So, another thing crossed off the list.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
I'm halfway done with the revision of The Dead Who Do Not Sleep. I should be finished with it today, and that means I get to mark another thing off my list. Yay! It's going to end up still in the novella range, I think. But that's okay.